Monday, November 27, 2017

Judicial Branch, Day 3 - Class Recap

Looking down the National Mall, from the top of the Washington Monument. The United States Supreme Court building is behind and to the left of the Capitol Building. Photo taken in 2010.

Dear class,

We finished looking at the Supreme Court landmark cases today, then I passed out Mock Trial prep materials. Here's what happened today in class:

Learning Targets Addressed:
Knowledge LT 5: I can demonstrate an understanding of the principles, structures, and functions of different levels of U.S. government.

Soundtrack: "Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana. Selected for today because of the teen spirit evident in a few of the cases we have been talking about in class. Lyrics here.

AGENDA 11/27/17:
News Brief – James
Cases Teens Should Know
Landmark Cases
Mock Trial Prep

Homework: Read the blog. Look at your grade and improve it, if possible! Next news brief: Lucas.

News Brief: James had the news brief today and selected this article to talk about: - Congress Returns to Intense Pressure to End Secrecy Over Sex Harassment. I talked briefly in class about all of the items on the agenda list to do for Congress, before moving on.

Lucas was assigned to do the next news brief.

Cases Teens Should Know: This was a continuation from last week, where we looked at some interesting cases from the Supreme Court:

The directions were: On a separate sheet of paper, read and write the answers to the following questions for a minimum of five out of the ten cases.
1) What was the issue?
2) Describe the judge’s decision and explain their reasons why.
3) Do you agree or disagree with the judge’s decision? Explain your reasons why or why not.

We finished going through these cases and talked about each one. A particularly interesting link I shared with students was this one:

Thanks for your effort here! Keep this overview for the future!

Landmark Case Reading: We also went through these today, as I assigned one case to each student, then we went through them together in class:

The assignment that went along with the reading is here:

Please make sure you have your completed notes for these very important cases! It was interesting to get to talk about stuff like Japanese internment camps in the United States during World War II!

Mock Trial Prep: We barely had the chance to start this today, so we will continue with it next class! Thanks, everyone!

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