Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Executive Branch, Day 4 - Class Recap

On the roof of the Bundestag building in Berlin, Germany. This is where the government of Germany meets. Photo taken in 2013.

Hi everyone,

Welcome to a shortened week, with Veterans Day on Friday! Here's what happened in class:

Learning Targets:
Knowledge LT 2: I can demonstrate an understanding of the role of governments in current issues.
Knowledge LT 5: I can demonstrate an understanding of the principles, structures, and functions of different branches of U.S. government.

Soundtrack: "The Final Countdown" by Europe. Selected for today because it is the final countdown (of hours!) until the 2017 election tonight! Lyrics here.

AGENDA 11/7/17:
News Brief – Elena
Election Night
Grade Updates
Cabinet Project

Homework: Read the blog. Watch the election night coverage tonight! Next news brief: Zoe.

News Brief: Elena had the news brief today and selected an article about this story: NYTimes.com - U.S. Report Says Humans Cause Climate Change, Contradicting Top Trump Officials. This was a super important release of data and conclusions about the role humans are having on the environment. Thank you for highlighting this, Elena!

Zoe was selected to do the next news brief.

Election Night: Because today is election day for 2017, I made sure to go through what is happening and when to expect results. We went through a few websites for this:

1) The PCC bond measure, which was the only vote on the ballot in the Portland area:

2) What is going on nationally, with various votes for Governor and representatives:

3) Finally, here is an even more detailed look at some races that might have a big impact in various different states:

Lots going on, for sure! We will check back in on the results on Thursday.

We also talked about the recent mass shooting at a church in Texas - I showed this article with some interesting facts and graphs:

Grade Updates: I passed back the grades I had for all work that has been turned in to me so far. I encourage students to revise their work or retake tests if needed to improve their grades! Come see me if you are confused, so I can walk you through what you need to do.

Cabinet Project: This was continued from last class. We will also work on this on Thursday, before the actual Cabinet Simulation on Tuesday of next week. Here's a link to the cabinet project (advising the President) that we looked at in class today:

Here are the selection students made:

Agriculture: Gibelli and Alexis
Commerce: Trinity and Marie
Defense: Calvin and Zoe
Education: Elena and Emma
Energy: Lucas
Health and Human Services: Tyler and Paul
Housing and Urban Development: Marian and Srey
Interior: Hunter and Harrison // Grace
Justice: Seraiah and Nina
Labor: James and Ernesto
Transportation: Bara and Nic
Treasury: Edgar and Christian
Veteran’s Affairs: Olivia and Jacqueline
Homeland Security: Vinh and CJ
Environmental Protection Agency: David and Sarah
US Mission to the United Nations: Yovanka and Erick
State: Avery and Jun

Continue to work on this, please! See you on Thursday! :-)

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