Monday, September 26, 2016

Creation of a Nation - Class Recap

Crater Lake, which is Oregon's only National Park. Maybe a symbol of your new nation? Photo taken in August 2014.

Hi wonderful students,

Great to see you all again today! It was a quiz and work day in class. Here's what happened today:

Learning Targets:
Knowledge LT 2: I can demonstrate an understanding of the role of governments in current issues.
Knowledge LT 4: I can explain how different ideological movements and philosophies shape politics.

Soundtrack: "If I Ruled the World" by Nas and Lauryn Hill. Selected for today because you were creating your own countries today in class!

AGENDA 9/26/16:
News Brief – Jade
Philosophy Quiz
Articles of Confederation
Creation of a Nation

Homework: Read the blog. Be ready to finish the Creation of a Nation activity next class. Bring a device able to access the internet to see the Constitution. Watch the debate tonight at 6:00 PM! Next news brief: Halle.

News Brief: Jade had the news brief today, but was not in class, so I selected an article about this story to talk about: - Presidential Debate: What to Watch For as Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Face Off. We talked for a while in class about the debate tonight, as well as the current state of the race. Very interesting time for government in the United States!

Halle volunteered for the next news brief.

Philosophy Quiz: I haven't read the responses yet, but basically, if you knew the four philosophers from the first reading, and knew the basics of the European influences reading, you should have been fine. If you need to take this, please come find me before or after school.  I will grade these and get them back to you as soon as I can - it will count as an assessment opportunity for LT7.

Articles of Confederation: Next up, we had a brief lecture in class about the early foundations of the United States government and some of the forms of government in the world. The Articles of Confederation was the first way that the country was organized, and we looked at how it was not good enough to really keep the states together in any coherent way. Here's the reading notes that I passed out in class:

We will continue to investigate the first U.S. government in the future!

Creation of a Nation: The last activity we did today in class was to start thinking about creating your own nation, which is a break away of some of the western states from the United States. In groups of 2 or 3, this is the assignment, which we will finish working on next class and present. Again, I want every group to make a flag for their new country, because flags are awesome. Please see the document for specifics as to what each group member should do.

Next class, we will continue with this and then move on to studying the Constitution. Please try to have a device that is able to access it. Thanks! See you next class!

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