Thursday, March 17, 2016

Legislative Branch, Day 3 - Class Recap

The office of Speaker of the House, which is currently controlled by Republicans, and Representative Paul Ryan. Photo taken in 2010.

Hi everyone,

Our last day together before Spring Break was basically another work/prep day for our legislative branch unit. Here's the recap for today:

Learning Targets Addressed:
Knowledge LT 2: I can demonstrate an understanding of the role of governments in current issues.
Knowledge LT 5: I can demonstrate an understanding of the principles, structures, and functions of different levels of U.S. government.

Soundtrack: "Represent" by Weezer. Selected for today because we were continuing to look at Oregon's Representatives in Congress. Get it? Lyrics here.

AGENDA 3/17/16:
News Brief – Ivan
Review Oregon Reps
Create Bills
114th Congress

Homework: Read the blog. Create a bill idea if you did not in class. Finish the Oregon representatives handout and the 114th Congress profile. Have a great, safe Spring Break. Next news brief: Alimar.

News Brief: Ivan had the news brief today and selected an article about this story to talk about: - Violence and Arrests At Trump Rallies Are Way More Common Than You May Think. We discussed the issues surrounding Trump speeches and rallies, as well as the amount of violence in them. Thanks, Ivan!

Finally, we discussed the presidential nomination process results from Tuedsay: - March 15 Primary Results and took at look at Donald Trump's progress towards the Republican nomination: - Rubio’s Exit Leaves Trump With an Open Path to 1,237 Delegates.

Alimar was selected for the next news brief.

Review Oregon Reps: Last class, we went to the Computer Lab and worked on this assignment, which is about knowing who represents Oregon at the federal level in Congress. We went through the assignment together, noting who your congressional representative is and where they are on the political spectrum.

Create a Bill: This was in preparation for next class, when we will be doing a simulation of Congress and the legislative process. Here were the questions I wanted you to answer in your bill proposals:

1. What are you proposing?
2. Who will it impact?
3. When will it begin or end?
4. Where (which states) will be impacted?
5. Why should this bill pass?
6. How much will it cost?

Bring these in next class if you did not turn them in today, please!

114th Congress: The last new piece from today was this handout, looking at the demographics of the current representatives in congress:

Here is a link to the website/pdf document that has the answers:

I hope this helps!

For the rest of the class, we were in the computer lab, working on the Oregon representatives handout, as well as the 114th Congress paper and creating bills. Here is the handout that I passed out last class:

The main point here is to know who our representatives are and what they believe. It is important that we know who represents us in Congress, and what their ideas are!

Thanks for your work on this! See you next class, when we will be creating legislation of our own! Enjoy Spring Break!


  1. Paul Ryan has been SOTH since October 29th

    1. You caught me using an old caption! Will update ASAP. Thanks!


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