Thursday, March 1, 2018

The Constitution, Day 1 - Class Recap

One of my favorite photos from the total eclipse over Oregon in August of 2017! 

Hi everyone,

Thanks for continuing to work on getting to know the Constitution better! Here's what we did today in class:

Learning Targets Addressed: 
Knowledge LT 2: I can demonstrate an understanding of the role of governments in current issues.
Knowledge LT 5: I can demonstrate an understanding of the principles, structures, and functions of different branches of U.S. government.

Soundtrack: "Friday I'm In Love" by The Cure. Selected for today for the obvious reason that tomorrow is Friday! Lyrics here.

AGENDA 3/1/18:
News Brief - Crystal
Finish Sharing Nations
The Constitution
The Bill of Rights

Homework: Read the blog! Keep studying the Constitution handout answers for an upcoming quiz! Next news brief: Emily W.

News Brief: Crystal was not in class today, so I filled in and selected this story: - Dow plummets more than 500 points after Trump announces tariffs. We discussed this story from today and talked about the impact that the government can have on the economy. We also checked in about the upcoming weekend and Emily W. volunteered to do the next news brief.

Finish Sharing Nations: This was left over from our last class. Thank you for sharing your ideas for new countries, as well as your flags! I will put them up in the room for us to admire. :-)

The Constitution: Next, we tied the creation of a nation activity into the creation of our own United States Constitution by watching this Crash Course video:

Lots of similar themes as you were having to decide in the creation of your own country!

With that, I passed out this handout/worksheet, which looks at different aspects of what makes up the United States Constitution:

We started this in class and will continue working on it next class. If you want to continue to work on completing this outside of class, here is a copy of the Constitution to look at.

Please keep this packet, as you will be using it to study for an upcoming test on the Constitution.

We ran out of time after this, so we will come back to looking in depth at the Bill of Rights next class. See you then!

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