Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Judicial Branch, Day 7 - Class Recap

Inside a subway station in Washington, DC, where the three branches of our federal government are based.

Dear class,

We finished the judicial branch today in class, with wrapping up the movie and taking the test! Here's what happened today in class:

Learning Targets Addressed:
Knowledge LT 2: I can demonstrate an understanding of the role of governments in current issues.
Knowledge LT 5: I can demonstrate an understanding of the principles, structures, and functions of different levels of U.S. government.

Soundtrack: "The Final Countdown" by Europe. Selected for today because it is very close to the end of the year!

AGENDA 5/17/17:
News Brief – Darius
Judicial Branch Test
12 Angry Men
Class Feedback

Homework: Read the blog. Turn in any late/incomplete work. Be good for the sub on Friday! Next news brief: Nathaniel H. (then Kendall on Tuesday).

News Brief: Darius had the news brief today and talked about this story: - For Voting Rights Advocates, Court Decision Is ‘Temporary Victory’. This is an important ongoing news story that directly relates to what we have been talking about in class, with the judicial branch. Also, we talked about the election results last night and what is happening with the federal government right now. We also talked about what was going on outside of class, before moving on.

Nathaniel H. was assigned to do the next news brief (Kendall will have it on Tuesday).

Judicial Branch Test: As promised, 40 questions, multiple choice. will hope to get these grades get entered ASAP. Thank you for your effort on this!

12 Angry Men: After the test, we finished watching one of the most critically acclaimed movies ever: 12 Angry Men (1957). This is a great way to wrap up the judicial branch unit, as we learn more about the jury process through watching this film. I know it is old and black and white, and I was glad to see that students were paying close attention. Here is the film note-taking assignment, if you missed class or lost your copy:

We have about 18 minutes left, which we will finish next week. We will start our last unit on State and Local government soon - next class, you will be working on a citizenship paper with a substitute as I am at the state tennis tournament. Thanks, everyone! See you next week!

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